Thursday, November 29, 2007

Everything is new and exciting! Photo attack!

I'm here,
All is good.
I just wanted to update my little online conscience!
Here is my new room! I painted it myself.

How cool is that!
I have had a major photography attack over the past few days, I had to just kind of capture everything! Plus Tracy sent me pictures of Ellie which I HAD to put on this post because they're adorable!
Here are my feet after ballet the other night, my first lesson here. I had to take a picture I'm so immature!

Also finally here is my baby. I miss her loads and loads and loads, she called the other night and left me a voicemail that goes like this:
"Hello Hi-leeeee!
I love yoooooooou
I'm fineee
Here she is.....

She's singing songs to Tigger!

Here she is at the her famous Peppa Pig top! This little girl is love- OFFICIALLY!
That's all for tonight, I think I have bombarded the web with pictures!
Take care
Hails xx

Friday, November 23, 2007

My first post from across the pond!

Howdy y'all!
I'm here finally and everything is as I left it.

I feel a little happier.
I showed Patti some of my hidden photography tonight and she wants me to post it.
Nobody reads this so I feel safe posting it here.
This one is from a few months ago when I was at one of my lowest points and I wanted to capture it. I didn't realize how much I had until I found it on my camera today.

Also this one I did on the same day but it was for a project which is incidentally still unfinished. I was studying domestic violence.

I'll bet your wondering why I model in my own images.
To be honest its because I know in my head what I want to capture and I'm stubborn. That and all my friends are extremely camera shy.
Give me feedback if anyone reads this because I would like to know what other people think.
Take care everyone
Hails x

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Just for a while.

Just for a while.

Tracy (right)

I watched as the trail of people trundled through on their way to say last goodbyes to Tracy sitting in the office.
I purposely waited until last because inside I was a mess, I would have to say that word. That word that when spoken, makes my heart sink so deep into my chest I feel utterly sick.
Everyone seemed to come out with a smile on their face and I assumed Tracy was making jokes and doing her usual banter!
I slowly dragged myself through last and waited for Caroline to finish. My stomach was doing cartwheels and I felt so sick I thought "I'll make it quick". So I quickly popped my head around the door and muttered "Tata for now, love you!"
I honestly thought she would turn around and do exactly the same back, but no.
She stood up, face never leaving the floor and whispered "I can't say bye to you......sorry" then sat back down.
I stood, frozen for minutes, didn't know how to react, I pondered leaving it at that as I could feel my eyes burning, ready to cascade with tears. But I didn't, I stayed, I said "Just for a while", that was all I could squeak before the tears began to descend down my cheeks.
I closed my eyes to regain composure and was literally smothered by a warm, deep, truly meant embrace, my heart did a funny little somersault of joy and at the same time the sadness of the inevitable resurfaced.
I sobbed.
She sobbed.
Her grip loosened and I stood back, getting my last glance.
This was it.
This was goodbye.
Just for a while.
I shuffled my feet and stared at the floor, the world was one big blur. My face was drowned in tears.
She wiped them away slowly and whispered "I think the world of you, I don't want to lose you".
I managed and smile, but more tears surfaced at those words.
Never in my life have I heard those words.
I have never felt more accepted.
This was the best and worst moment of my life.
I made to go and got to the kitchen door, but I ran back and launched myself at her, we stayed that way for a few minutes, until I managed to pull myself away.
Then I ran.
I didn't look back.
I walked through the pub and kissed my baby goodbye for the last time, she was asleep on the couch.
My last look at her for a while.
She won't be a baby anymore.
She's a beautiful little girl.
I'm so grateful to have friends like them.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Do I move to Glasgow.

After this fiasco, I am no longer going to have a house over here, my mum is selling it through the court and throwing my dad and i out.
I have been offered a place to stay and a job in Glasgow- do i take it?
It's with Ellie and Tracy and Steven and Rozzy.
I think yes.
But what about my dad?

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Drunken, Disorderly and I need to blog.

I can't do pretence anymore.
I'm not happy Hayley.
This sucks.
I'm alone.
Getting stoned.
Medication doesn't help.
People bug me.
I need guidance.
I can't do this.
I really can't do this.
Please I'm asking
Someone help me......

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Travel stuff and butterfly update!

8 days......raaaaaaar!
I'm so excited but soooo scared at the same time it's not even funny!
I'm taking the smallest suitcase possible.
I'm scared.

I gotta do it, I spoke to my girls tonight and they were so adorable!!!
Patti can't wait for me to come, she says the girls have made me loads of present and even the dogs seem to know I'm coming back.
There's no place I'd rather be right now.
I'm gonna miss it here though, London, Kerry, Al, Damian.
Ellie.......BAYBEEE! (Everytime I see her she's like "buh bye hayley miss ya!")
My boy Lee - Love you forever!

I know this isn't the most "together" blog but it's as "together" as I'm gonna get tonight.

Oh and Ellie the butterfly is still alive, as am i!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

The Butterfly Project.

Today I saw my shrink.
It was awkward.
I spoke ALOT.
He did not.

He taught me a new technique, a technique that I have also heard about through Corinna Fugate (who I have written previous blogs about). It's called the Butterfly Project. Basically it goes like this :

1) Take a sharpie or marker.
2) Draw a butterfly on the area that you usually self harm. It doesn't need to be good, it just has to be there and look remotely like a butterfly.
3) Give your butterfly a name- preferably after someone who cares about you.

My butterfly has two names, one begins with an e and one with an a.

The point of this technique is- if you injure within the time it takes for the butterfly to wear off naturally, then you will have killed your butterfly, however if you donnot injure within that time, your butterfly will live.

It's so simple and I don't know if it's going to work but I shall follow up!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

New Layout= New Beginnings!

I only have 8 more days left with Ellie and I'm starting to get really sad.

I took her out yesterday to the cafe we always go to.

I cried.

She cried (obviously not for the same reason as me!)

It was awful.

I'm gonna miss her sooooooo much.

Thursday, November 08, 2007

If I could only dream that world away grrrrr....

Tuesday, Ocober 30th 2007.

11:55 am
I currently have Zac Efron and Vanessa Hudgens from High School Musical blasting in my ears as I sit on the train to London. The past 3 months of hype has come down to this, it's crazy. I always feel completely at home in London, I can be real me.I arrive at 4pm and I hope Abi will meet me at the train station. She just called to tll me she managed to get row B tickets to Avenue Q tonight. I can't wait. It is the funniest show in the world!You should see what I am wearing today, only London could accept it! I have on a little summer dress in powder blue with a cream polo neck underneath, skinny jeans and stripey arm-warmers! Totally loving it! Only 4 hours till I arrive, 8 until I'm in a theatre again yay!!!The sky looks crumby at the moment, it's kinda bright but with loads of cloud cover- bum! Worst of all, it's cold! We never get proper blue skies here like they do in Michigan, we get greeny-blue, they get royal blue urrrrrghhh!4:45 pmSo I arrived. It was a fine trip actually. We got to the hostel and it was grubby as fuck! We have an ok room though. Better than most of the others I'll bet because we're staying with the staff! We have a TV, DVD player, fridge and garden, it's awesome!Cannot wait to see Avenue Q tonight it's gonna be great!12:00 amOh. My. God!When in any west end show would you ever see two puppets having sex onstage?! Avenue Bloody Q! It was priceless, Julie Atherton is adorable! The whole show was crazy, I didn't stop laughing from start to finish!It is a really unique show because of the puppets, they're not suspended from strings and the actors have to act along with them, be their voice, and ephasise their facial expressions. This must be a challenge for any actor as they typically are not trained as puppeteers.... hmmm

Wednesday, October 31st 2007

It's freezing and I'm currently outside the Apollo Victoria waiting in the day ticket queue. People camped last night, four of them. Amy caught my eye first this morning as she was dressed as a pumpkin and painted head to toe in orange face paint! There was also Katie and another couple of girls who I didn't speak to. They were such nice girls (compared to others that go, they make me feel uncomfortable) they have Abi and I have our usual seats!
Halfway through the wait, Abi has decided that she wants to go to the matinee aswell as the evening show. This sucks mucho because we had decided weeks ago that because the matinee is going to be full of school children, we would go see Al in Fiddler on the Roof. Little Hayley is remotely pissed off and wants to have a fight but Big Hayley is going for the "Do what you want" technique. Looks like I'm going to the matinee alone and so is she. Do I care? Am I bothered? Yes! It's the most selfish thing in the world to do given that this trip was meant to be for my 21st birthday. At the same time I could have turned round and said "yeah I'll come with you" but her words were "I'm not bothered about seeing Fiddler because it's supposed to be boring". My response- "Fuck ya, I'll go alone!"
Got my ticket for the matinee yay! Seat J21 today but I always move to the front row anyway because they never sell it!I'm gonna stay down in Leicester Square for a bit because I only have a few hours till the show starts!
13:45 pm.
I'm so excited because I just managed to have like 3 hours on my own in Covent Garden. I got a little hat in a strawberry design for my baby Ellie- it's adorable! Then I went to an amazing sushi restaurant for lunch, god I love sushi! Now I'm on my slow walk down the hill to the Savoy to watch the show. I like writing in my diary while I'm walking because people think you're an intellectual haha! Love it!
I'm perched on my steps outside the stage door at the Savoy, I have at least fifteen minutes until Al and Damian come out so I can write a turbo review.
Al's trip as she came onstage for "Tradition!"
"Tradition!"- the best song in the world.
The new little girls they are amazing!
Damian's "Never trust an employer"
HENRY omgomgomgomgogomgommgomg! He is a human giggle!
Matchmaker- (Al's drunk bit)
"As the good book says"
The Dream- random heads popping up and old grannies pacemakers skipping!
The Damian and Al "dance"- mainly Al's totally disgusted face!
COSTUMES wowowowowowowowow!
"Far from the home I love"- My heart stops for the whole of that song.
"Now I have everything" - Nothing like a good bit of Damian belt. Also Al's line "Out of sight, waiting right here" is always sooooo beautiful!
Curtain Call - the tradition circle again, I lurve it!*********************************************************************************
Haha! Literally that's what I just did.
Al asked about drama.
Felt a teensy bit silly sorta going "idroppedout"
Ah well!
Gave her my scabby letter,
My Cd is now ampley signed yay!
We kinda mumbled about me, scotland, detroit etc...
Did tell her about my latest expedition though, which incidently noone else knows about, oh well.

I just got away from the Savoy Theatre and am walking up the road (writing again) I know why I'm writing aswell. I'm writing because I'm angry, angry and nervous. I'm angry at Abi for the whole matinee thing and I'm nervous about tonight at Wicked.
The tubes are all fucked up this week because of closures and stuff so I'm gonna have to take three different lines to get to Victoria I am not impressed!
To be completely honest I am kinda regretting Abi coming on this trip but that makes me feel really guilty because I'm sure she's a really nice lassie. She just bugs me sometimes. I hope she is ok tonight.
I just got a call from her and apparently Kerry did a Question and Answer session for the kids that were in the audience and Abi got to watch. She is gonna be so full of it now it's not gonna be funny. "Kerry this, Kerry that, Kerry Kerry fucking Kerry"
I understand about Kerry Ellis, she's fantastic, I mean I've seen her over 40 times in different shows but I don't brag about it and shout and squeal!
At the moment, Kerry has had her big break and people kinda know who she is which bugs me because I saw her understudying Eliza Doolittle and knew there was something unique about her back then. That's why now I love to examine minor parts that unknowns are playing in musicals and give them support because at the end of the day they will probably be slightly more grateful. Ellie and Al are two prime examples, Nicky from Wicked, Joseph Connor- you all go "who?"
But these guys have talent, real raw talent- oh not forgetting Damian! He's awesome too!

CJ is on.
I wanna cry
I wanna have a tantrum
I wanna scream and shout
I wanna tear Abi's eyes out for watching the matinee
I wanna see Kerry!!!
I guess after my last entry karma has bitten me right in the ass!

Thursday, November 1st 2007.

Abi has gone to queue for day tickets for Hairspray. I just wanted to sleep this morning after all the crap at Wicked last night. I know I'm totally contradicting myself saying that Ilike watching unknowns but I really don't understand CJ, she kinda just says her lines and sings her songs. If I were going to watch the show not knowing anything about it before I went, I would know no more by the end because she doesn't convey anything! It's so clinical. Kerry has spunk and I like spunk in a character. So yes, last night I had to endure three hours of how good Kerry was at the matinee, I could feel my blood boiling so I had to go to the bathroom at the interval to breathe!

I have a Hairspray ticket yay!! Seat 21! I'm also going to the Bad Girls matinee! I can't wait I've wanted to see it forever!!

Bad Girls was the strangest thing I've seen in a while. It wasn't bad, I enjoyed it and the whole cast were fantastic. It was another show that I found the ensemble more interesting than the principles because I knew all about them and they had a structure to keep to, the ensemble was completely ad libbed! Brilliant!
The lighting in it was also very well done, they completely overdosed on gobos ! In a good way, the cell doors were projected with gobos and the barbed wire etc..
My one criticism was the lack of an orchestra, I like an orchestra and despise backing tracks. Backing tracks take me back to my amateur production days!
The whole show was.....strange....but .....good!

Wicked has a contender OFFICIALLY!
Hairspray was awesome.
Elli IS Penny.
Leanne Jones is really spectacular
I will always hate Michael Ball, but when he's onstage I imagine he's a random.
The ensemble had fantastic energy, especially Nicky, cos she's Nicky!
Fab Score.
There was an orchestra :)
I really can't comprehend a proper review right now but I will eventually.
Oh and Ellie came out the stage door and went "Hi Hayley!"

Friday, November 2nd 2007.

5:00 am
Wicked queue again, but I brought my duvet today so I'm going to sleep till nine at least! Bugger all this early morning lark, it's guff and my body is dying !
Oh but we're first in line today.
I just went across to the train station to get juice and when I came back some guy had pretty much captured Abi and was lecturing her on how Wicked was an evil show and she was going to go to Hell!
I set him straight, It went like this :

"Excuse me have you seen the show?"
"So don't make assumptions"
"You're going to hell too"
"If you'd been to see the show you would realise it's about good, not evil, the title is juxtaposition"
"Suit yourself"
"Have a nice day"
"You too"
And he walked away hahahahahaha!
Most of the wait was spent sleeping and showing the other people in the queue Al's weblog which is actually hilarious. I love the red shoe story and so did everyone else, people kept walking past and think we were loons because we were giggling so much. I was telling this american girl in the queue how I wanted to get Al a present that kinda related to her shoe story. She suggested a bear.

General update of this uneventful day NOT!

So this morning we managed to get our tickets for Wicked and then went back to the hostel for a bit to shower and do all that shite. I love that we have a TV in our room becase we just sat and watched Loose Women and 60 minute makeover it was great. I went for some more sleep and at about three decided it was probably time to get up and do something.
We made our way down to Covent Garden to do a little bit of shopping and to get Al her bear, I was well excited. I chose a cute like fluffy bear and put a denim dress on it with red sparkly shoes. We put a voice in the middle that said "please don't lose my red shoes"
I thought it was funny :S
After that we took Rosie the bear down to the Savoy theatre and waited for Al for a bit but she didn't come so we left it at the stage door.