Today I saw my shrink.
It was awkward.
I spoke ALOT.
He did not.
He taught me a new technique, a technique that I have also heard about through Corinna Fugate (who I have written previous blogs about). It's called the Butterfly Project. Basically it goes like this :
1) Take a sharpie or marker.
2) Draw a butterfly on the area that you usually self harm. It doesn't need to be good, it just has to be there and look remotely like a butterfly.
3) Give your butterfly a name- preferably after someone who cares about you.
My butterfly has two names, one begins with an e and one with an a.
The point of this technique is- if you injure within the time it takes for the butterfly to wear off naturally, then you will have killed your butterfly, however if you donnot injure within that time, your butterfly will live.
It's so simple and I don't know if it's going to work but I shall follow up!
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