8 days......raaaaaaar!
I'm so excited but soooo scared at the same time it's not even funny!
I'm taking the smallest suitcase possible.
I'm scared.
I gotta do it, I spoke to my girls tonight and they were so adorable!!!
Patti can't wait for me to come, she says the girls have made me loads of present and even the dogs seem to know I'm coming back.
There's no place I'd rather be right now.
I'm gonna miss it here though, London, Kerry, Al, Damian.
Ellie.......BAYBEEE! (Everytime I see her she's like "buh bye hayley miss ya!")
My boy Lee - Love you forever!

I know this isn't the most "together" blog but it's as "together" as I'm gonna get tonight.
Oh and Ellie the butterfly is still alive, as am i!
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