Thursday, April 23, 2009

It's a retuuurn!

Good afternoon to all you lovely people out there in the dark!

Here is the news.

I am VERY angry that Legally Blonde has stolen the Savoy!

Abi is almost in London yay!

It's sunny!

Jessica had so better be on this weekend.

I am veeerrrrry happpy today - probably due to excessive intake of Kool-Aid!

Oh and this made my day ...

Sunday, April 12, 2009

moving on...

Everyone has issues, big and small. Whether it's something major or just a fall out with friends. But most people deal with them and get over them- not dwell on them for years. I've moved on from my problems and am a better person for it... Maybe you should to!

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Why Abi and Hayley CANNOT EVER stay in the same house !

This is what happened when Abi came to stay .....
There were lots of giggles, lots of wine and a whole lot of BAD musical theatre !



Among many other antics, these were the highlights....
A very enjoyable few days :)

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

When two worlds Collide.

The innevitable happens.
I don't quite know whats going on with me at the moment. I'm cold and aloof and slightly neurotic.
Here's my latest theory;

I met Helen. Helen made me feel comfortable, wanted, happy, secure....all those things. Now she's gone. The anxiety, the paranoia, the self conciousness are all back and eating at me like wolves at a carcus.

I don't know why it is but I seem to need someone to make me feel these things, I'm incapable of mustering them up myself. I need someone to tell me I'm doing the right thing, I need someone to back me up, tell me I'm not mad, make me feel secure. She did that and now she can't and it hurts. being cold and aloof is not selfish...well it is.....but not nastily, I'm just on a journey to find me, happy me, normal me and secure mewithnoissues. I must say I am very proud of myself for not retreating to old habits over this difficult time. I am dealing with it...extremely slowly...
I will go back and sit in a theatre without having a panic
I will go to the stage door and be as normal as I can be
I will buy a bottle of wine and only drink a glass
I will put on my favourite dress and my pretty shoes with confidence
I will walk around town with my head looking forward instead of down

I know I can do it.
But I'm just scared
Scared to let go and have a good time
Every time I do the guilt takes over.
Guilty for me being here and Helen eaten away.
She's happy now
Why shouldn't I be?

Saturday, February 21, 2009

For Helen

I'll take your laugh and smile with me
Safe in my pocket where noone can see
I'll keep them warm and away from harm
I'll make sure no one gets to them.

You'll keep them alive
Even after you're gone
So that I have something
To hold on.

I'll love them forever
Just like I loved you
And when it's time for me to leave
I'll give them back to you.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


I did it.
I got a new one today.
On my wrist.
It says
"I can"

Saturday, February 14, 2009


This emotion I'm feeling has no shape, no fundement and no explanation. When someone you love, someone you admire, someone who has befriended you in this vortex world becomes ill. I don't mean cold or flu- I mean life threatening.
I first met Helen as Lotte was roling around on the pavement outside school, refusing to come home with me because she wanted Mummy. I could see the red mist rise just as a distinctly calming voice rose behind me. "Would you like to come to the park with me and Ailis?" she said. Like a button on her back had been pushed, Lotte dried her eyes, painted on a smile and said "Yes please Helen".
Introductions followed and it went from there; coffee, cinema and all sorts.
I'd heard from one of the mothers at school that Helen had recently been diagnosed with Breast Cancer, however there was a story attached; she had been to the doctor repeatedly over the past 3 months complaining about a lump, but the doctor kept prescribing anti-biotics and saying it was an infection. It had taken three months and ten trips to the surgery to get the Breast Cancer diagnosis.
Helen was relatively healthy, working as a nanny like myself kept her active and she was happy and full of energy! We laughed so much about the oddest of things but time with her was fun!
Chemotherapy began at the end of September and so I would miss her on the odd day when she wasn't feeling up to working, but when I did see her she was fine, looked no different. We never talked about the cancer, apart from a little update when we got together- I hate to dwell on negative things.
I first started to notice a difference in October as Helen lost quite alot of her hair - not all, just a bit on top which she would hide very stylishly with her sunglasses! Tiredness was also a key factor but she still managed the mile walk home each night with Ailis and Aiden. She was sick but she could function normally.
It was the week after Christmas that I noticed the biggest change. Helen called me and asked to meet for lunch with the kids which I thought would be lovely given they hadn't seen each other over the holidays. As she was now wearing her wig, it seemed to disguise the illness as the rest of her looked fine. Until she pulled down her jumper to reveal a mass of tumors on her left side, they were protruding through the skin and starting to weep, they were compressing her lungs and making it hard for her to breathe, also hard to eat because of the pressure. To be honest she shouldn't have been looking after children that day and I still believe that's why she called me, so that there would be another adult there if anything happened. She left the table three times to vomit and it was horrendous to watch.
After that day, Helen decided it was time to take a break from working, we would send the occasional text and have a little banter, usually about the mother's at school and how uppity they are!
I heard nothing for a week until she text to tell me she was now in Trinity Hospice on Clapham Common. This wave of nothingness washed over me leaving me completely empty. Hospice.... what does that connotate? Here is the dictionary definition:

"a health-care facility for the terminally ill that emphasizes pain control and emotional support for the patient and family, typically refraining from taking extraordinary measures to prolong life."

Terminal, prolong life, pain control.........words that hurt.

Siobhan and I decided we would visit her there- not out of duty, but because we wanted to. It was awful. The room is tiny, it smells like a hospital, it's gloomy, Helen was a different person- same in spirit but the exterior was not her. It was so surreal and will be one of those experiences that will stay with me for a long time.

Floyd; her patner...then proposed. They got married on Valentines Day.

We weren't invited to the ceremony but Ailis and her family were so they told us how it went. She was in so much pain and because she looked in so much pain, nobody wanted to take any pictures which I just found heart-breaking. Due to the pain, she was heavily drugged with morphine and so didn't recognise the majority of her guests. Floyd was so strong and kept the momentum.
We arrived onto Helen's street for the party only to be greeted by her being wheeled out of the house and into the car on her way back to the hospice. She looked grey and so so tired. They had tucked her up with a fleecy blanket on top of her wedding dress which just showed how sich she really was.
We went to the party which was lovely, everyone was partying for Helen andhaving a great time. Floyd made his Groom speech without his Bride and it was magic. Everyone toasted to Helen which brought a tear to my eye. It was such a bitter-sweet day for all involved. But she made it, she's married, she's Helen Bell.

To Helen Bell ....may you live longand laugh lots!

Friday, February 06, 2009

The Red Shoes Appeal

So Abi and I had this idea.
It's Ruthie' s birthday in March and she has a concert the day before... What could we get her for a super special gift?
Then it came to us. Ruthie is a patron of The Red Shoes Appeal, and we'd been talking to her about doing some fundraising during Marguerite but due to it's early demise had to put it on hold.
Well what if we do it now?
We hatched a plan to get west end performers to decorate or sign pairs of red shoes and we'd then auction them off.
The main issue was who to approach?
SO to facebook we turned, and our various Westend contacts!
So far the repsonse has been amazing, So many people want to help and they are so enthusiastic.
So, if anyone's reading this- or interested! Join our facebookk group for more information!

Monday, February 02, 2009

On my street this morning.....

Neil and Rory stay in the warm

On the way back from school...

Up the road....


Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Dancing in the Dark.

I MUST blog this so I can look back in a few months time and think "what a pleb!"


So myself and Mr Matthew were taling the other night about him working at the opera house and the conversation drifted over to Darcey Bussell. Mat began his spiel on how much of a cock she is and apparently the technical staff have a poster of her defaced in their office. I just happen to be reading her book where she has a chapter on how the opera house staff would play tricks on her and shine lights in her face while she was doing a series of pirouettes. She mentioned that she wished she could just dance in the dark.

Well this set Mat off on a series of comedic sketches while walking along the Strand. Oh My God I have not laughed like in forever!
He began announcing ballet terms while standing still.

It went something like this....

"And Pirouette.........SPLIT!

Buerre buerre buerre



And up

pa de de ba

buerre buerre buerre


And Mars bar break

Up again and one two three one two three

foette one....foette two.....jump UP and land

foette one......foette two and END!

I can honestly say it was the funniest thing I've ever seen - an extremely camp, fully grown guy standing still on a street while announcing this sketch.

I said if we ever pull it off I'd dance.

Monday, January 19, 2009

A trip to the country!

So this past weekend I have been squelching in mud, diving into streams and toasting marshmallows over the fire. It was AMAZING!
My friend Lesley *the 48 year old nut who has abandoned her children to move down to West Sussex with her new boyfriend* invited me to stay with her this weekend at her little cottage in Emsworth. Personally I REALLY dislike the country- I am officially a city girl and I reluctantly booked my train ticket. Only for the people I live with to turn round and say that they were going to Newcastle for the weekend and could I dog-sit. Now this made the situation slightly more interesting - Lesley has a dog, so why shouldn't I take mine. So I donned my Doc Martens and Gators and off Chilli and I went on the train on Saturday morning.
We arrived at lunchtime and I was starving - they don't feed you on Southwest Trains for some reason. Chilli bolted off the train towards Charles (their dog) and I bolted towards Lesley and Simon!
The walk to their house is through the most beautiful little path with a stream at either side and then over two big meadows, I loved watching the two dogs bounding through the grass and aside from the cow pats it was so pictureque! I loved it. I've always denied that there is a difference between city air and country air- but there IS! I was well and truly in the country and I could feel it- the feeling of freesom, that you can take a deep breath and you won't catch someone's disease!
We arrived at their house down a narrow lane, greeted by a picket fence and a fair collection of ornaments. Their house is so tiny I felt like I was in a storybook!
We then took the dogs to the pub for scampi and chips!
The whole weekend was just so refreshing- I felt like I had escaped the oppressive environment that is London.
It was short but very sweet, I will return.

Friday, January 09, 2009

Another Year.....

Usually at this time of year I get all sentimental and reflective.

This year I'm going to bullet just my best and worst.

2008 BEST

  • Moving to London
  • Marguerite
  • Summer nights in the park
  • Ruthie's "fucking good aim"
  • Taking Lotte to meet Ruthie Henshall
  • Summer holidays and lots of time with Lotte
  • Autumn colours at Wandsworth Common
  • The Carousel tour
  • Our day out in Wimbledon
  • Carousel opening night
  • Sunset Boulevard
  • Stage door moments
  • Hayley and Abi banter
  • New Year with old friends and lots of rose
2008 WORST
  • Working in the restaurant
  • Getting sacked
  • Lack of money
  • Bills
  • Hostel living
  • Mum's wedding
  • Illness
  • Jukebox freakin musicals
So it's all generally quite good, I like where I am, I like what I'm doing and I am so grateful for the kindness everyone has shown me in London.
Let's make this the best year ever :)

"We enjoy warmth because we have been cold. We appreciate light because we have been in the darkness. By the same token, we can experience joy because we have known sadness"

David Weatherford

Monday, January 05, 2009


Sunset BOULevard.

That is all.

Saturday, January 03, 2009

Squeal *Jess* Squeal!

Let's get to the point here - for the most part I find actor musician productions slightly poncey and a little bit confusing. My pre-conceived ideas along with my distinct lack of money had put me off going to see the new revival of ALW'S "Sunset Boulevard". However last night I swallowed my pride and spent my last £20 on a ticket, front row as always. I got to the Comedy theatre to be greeted with a small piece of A5 paper stating that "Due to the indisposition of Ms Katherine Evans, the role of Norma Desmond would be played by none other than Ms Jessica Martin". Yup! I squeaked and squealed and finally called Abi who joined me in no less than 7 minutes!

The set is an extremely strong point in this production as it stays the same throughout with the occasional projection onto a gold silk curtain.
Ben Goddard as Joe was phenomenal, his flute playing, his diction and his ass were all extremely tight and impressive.
I LOVED the ensemble*ness*, Tomm Coles sax playing made it for me (still see him in Fiddler though)
Then there was Jess. Her "With one look" gave the audience a mighty poke and suddenly the theatre came alive. Her characterisation was first class although she could have been nastier- a little more deep. She blew me away anyway!
I must also mention Jess' "As if we never said goodbye" my tears didn't stop they just kept coming, it was madness.
Also ALW stole the riff from Sunset for Woman in White. The opening scene in Sunset sounds like "You see I am no ghost" in Woman in White. HA! Nothing is original anymore, everything is recycled.
It was a fantastic night and I WILL be back - MANY times! Just have to make up my mind about Katherine Evans now!
We may not have seen Jess as Marguerite but her Norma was just as good !