Thursday, February 07, 2008

She Breathes. She Blogs.


Today I ate

1 Pancake with bacon

2 bowls of tomato and pasta soup

Macaroni Cheese and Fries

1 Pancake with sugar and lemon

2 boiled eggs with toast and butter.

3 cups of tea

1 Coke

2 Glasses of Pineapple juice

3 Pints of water.

Words to describe Hayley today:

fat, disgusting, glutton, greedy, unhealthy, weak, stupid, disrespectful, idiot, binge eater, phsycho.


What I don't understand here is why I do it to this extreme. I always believed that once you didnt eat for a while that your stomach shrinks and you can only take small amounts of food at any time. This is obviously not true in my case. I seem to go from one end of the scale to the other so quick. I can see my stomach, packed, bloated, stretched to the limit and still I am not full, I want more, I want to eat my donuts from the fridge!

Boredom may be a factor.
I need to find an activity, something to stimulate my brain.

[end of ED rant]

It's only 6 days till I go to London, I'm actually so excited!
I get in on Wednesday morning and I already have a ticket for Fiddler for Wednesday night, Thursday I think I shall do a Hairspray double, Friday Wicked and then Saturday a Fiddler double if I can get tickets! *Everyone pray that Hayley gets tickets for Saturday night Fiddler!*

Oh. My. God. I. Am. So. Bored!

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