*Be Happy
*Get Pished
*Kiss Everyone
*Stumble home
Oh how I wish my night was that simple. How could it have been? I'm so messed up.
All day I worried about the night ahead, the socialising, the people, the pleasantries- I clammed up everytime they ran through my mind.
I worked in the pub until nine and when I finished I planned to go home.
No such luck.
I stayed, I had a glass of wine and I was under.
Under the spell that takes me every time I drink.

2 Bottles later I had settled in.
The world seemed a much happier place.
Laura came and we seemed to be having a good time, the bells was fantastic, the atmosphere in the pub was electric, everyone was having a great time, including me!
I felt amazing, all my friends were around me and this girl called Claire who is the new Kitchen Manger's girlfriend was having a good time with us. I like Claire, she's cool, proper nice lassie.

The band were fantastic, everyone was dancing, kids were running about screaming like they should!
After the bells I started to feel strange, down, out of sorts.
So I sat in the corner trying to compose myself.
But it was too late.
It had me.
I began to cough, gulp, gasp and wheeze.
Before I knew it, my whole throat had closed and all I could expel was a squeak.
Claire looked over and I managed to catch her eye and mouth "please".
I was dragged outside and she knealt in front of me,
sitting down I was still struggling and beginning to get tired. But Claire perservered and eventually my breathing slowed and I could talk again.
First thing she said was
"Fucking hell, you panic like me, you just have no idea how to control it!"
I just sat and looked at her, I didn't understand, was she trying to tell me she feels like me?
A smile emerged and I whispered "really?"
"Yes" she replied whilst handing me a fag!
That was weird.
We haven't really spoken so mch since then but when she came through on Friday I could see the empathy in her eyes.
She muttered "You ok sweetheart?" and I kinda nodded.
I still feel really stupid.
Laura has been the ony one that knows for so long and it's strange to let someone else in.
But I like her, I feel I can trust her.
Is this a good thing?
Overall, remarkabley.....it was a good new year, one of the best!
Thanks to my Lolaaaa! (Laure you love being called that!)
Claire Bear
Gary and everyone else at "The Wheel"
Buhbye for now guys I'll maybe see you at Easter
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