Wednesday, October 24, 2007

The bus.....

I didn't sleep very well last night, I thought I was gonna barf for most of it. I'm sure it was that Costa sandwich. I only ate it because I was so bloody hungry after my bus ordeal! Here's the story:
So I decided to go into town to take my books back to the library. I always take the bus because I refuse to drive, I'm dyspraxic and I wouldn't trust myself behind the wheel! When the bus stopped abruptly at the bus stop, I waited until the other people got off before I got on. Only to be greeted with "Hurry the fuck up I'm ten minutes late!" So I jumped on, startled, and I paid my money. She sped off before I had sat down and I went flying into a poor unsuspecting pensioner, I couldn't apologise enough. At the next stop there was a gaggle of single mums with their babies all in push chairs. As they got on, manoevering the buggies into place, she did the same to them and one of the buggies was dislodged and flew down the bs, smashing into the windscreen. The baby was ok but we all realised that this driver was behaving less than innapropriately. One of the girls decided to call the customer complaint line and while she was on the phone, this driver started up verbal abuse towards everyone else on the bus. "I don't give a fuck, I've quit my job anyway, the british public are all cunts!" At this point one lady demanded the bus be stopped and she dragged her young child off to protect her from the obscenities coming from this womans mouth.
Finally we reached town and I was going to stay on the bus to the library but thought it rational to get off with the others in town. As the girl whose baby had been thrown down the bus got off, she gently reminded the driver that she would be complaining and this would be settled one way or another. Then this crazy lady leaps over her driving booth towards the girl yelling "come on then, let's settle it now, go on hot me, hit me, hit me!"
She stopped when I mentioned clling the police, she put the bus into "out of service" and drove off.
We all had to wait for an hour in the cold for the police to turn up, it was crazy! And I didn't even get to take my library books back!!
What a day!!

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